
Words.The way we communicate with people.
The words have such different meanings on each of us that sometimes i wonder how we manage to contact.
Friendship and love,nouns.
What do they mean for you; Are you sure those around you have the same view? How confused are you while talking with others?
When words don't mean the same for everyone, then how do we say "I love you" and "sorry"?
Love-verb. Does it have the same power for all?
When we say forever do we really mean forever?
When we say no we mean no or basically is yes? When you say that that you are in love, are you?
"Micromond"- a place where each of us has- there the center is ourself, and we build everyday, our days, relations, thoughts, our words.our life.
Words have their power. The words are inside our microworld and they behave like we want them to behave. When words dont mean the same for everyone then how come we expect that we can understand the others?
Maybe our worlds are so small just to become big when you find others like you, and when you find people who use adjectives and verbs the way you do. And maybe then, you can think about adverbs like "forever".

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